Business owners usually have difficulty in selecting the best domain name for their website. It is especially important to select the right domain name for your business from the website development company so that the search results keep the page ranking higher for your website. There are some important things to be considered while buying the domain from web developers. Let’s have a look at them.

web development

Target Audience

Who are your customers? Are they young or old? Are they male or female or both? All these types of questions should be considered while buying the domain name. The terms that people will search for your product or service should be directly incorporated in the domain name of your website to boost the search ratings of your website. For example, if someone searches for “barbie dolls”, then a company with a domain like “” will probably rank higher than something like “”.

Spelling Counts

Intentional misspellings or obscure words in the domain name may make your rank lower in search results. For example, a company selling low-rider bikes may get lower search rankings when it names its site like “LowRyderBikezzz”. The users may find it difficult to find your site if they only hear the name and then try to type it directly. So, go for easy to spell domain names.

Keep it shorter

The longer the domain name, the harder it is to remember it for users. Most of the famous brands have kept their domain name short and sweet like Google, Amazon, eBay, etc. The small businesses may need to add the product name or the location name in the domain name but that shouldn’t be too wordy. Also avoid adding the articles like ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’ in the domain names. It also helps and gives benefits on online marketing.

Avoid Mimicking other popular brands

It is very tempting to make the domain name including the name of any popular brand but this act is not at all favorable for your business as people will visit the site considering the name of the famous brand but ultimately they will get angry finding something else. This act was incredibly famous in Custom web development earlier, but it is not suitable now as it attracts lawsuits to your business and will keep you in more trouble.

Make sure you consider the above points while buying the domain name from any website development company in California.