
One thing that can be said about the COVID19 pandemic, is that it has evoked every emotional reaction known to humanity. Depending on who you talk to and how they have been impacted by the pandemic, the range of emotions may be all over the place. Some people are grieving, having suffered the loss of loved ones, of income, of businesses and livelihoods, of lifestyles. And as part of that grieving process, grief can turn into anger. Some people are worried and anxious about the future, about what happens next, and when “next” will start. Some people are able to welcome the break and embrace a simpler lifestyle reminiscent of their childhood, or that of their parents and grandparents–home cooking, baking, and sewing. For most of us, it has been a mixture of all the above. But one thing is universal: the uncertainty and confusion and sheer magnitude and speed of change that has surrounded this pandemic has really rocked us all to the core. That is why it is important to be aware of what is going on with your thoughts and emotions during this, and any crisis.

Our blog series seeks to model a system to navigate through the current crisis using the phases of the mythological phoenix as a metaphor for the phases of transformational change. Reflecting on the second transition phase that we call the  Rebirth Phase, we focused on the areas of self and business that are unseen by the outside world. It’s the internal work that often can be so difficult to do but is absolutely necessary for true transformation. This phase consists of three actions: (1) Control, (2) Center, and (3) Clarify. To learn more about the Rebirth Phase click here.

As we look at ways for managing our emotions and controlling our negative thoughts, I knew one person that would be able to provide a wealth of information–my friend, client and fellow coach, Tamara Hill from The Sacred Path.

Meet Tamara “TLotus” Hill from The Sacred Path

Tamara “TLotus” Hill is a Law of Attraction Coach, and the owner of The Sacred Path, a spiritual and life coaching company that works with clients all over the world. As a certified life coach, Tamara has a series of unique spiritual gifts that she uses to help people get “unstuck” in life. In addition to her traditional life coaching methods, Tamara is also a spiritual healer, which uses and teaches techniques such as energy healing, powerful manifesting, and Lenormand readings. With such a diverse toolkit, she is the ideal person to provide information about controlling unwanted emotions and negative thoughts.

Keeping Calm in the Storm

When I spoke to Tamara about how she and her family were doing during this time, she explained how she had found peace in her circumstances. “Although I face most of the same obstacles as others face due to this pandemic, I remain focused on the light, as well as the solutions to those obstacles.”

That really resonated with me. With so many things out of our control, our perspective is one thing over which we do have control. Even with managing a full house, including homeschooling her boys, she has found a way to adjust her business planning instead of allowing overwhelm to deter her from it. Her key to this peace amid chaos comes from controlling what she allows to affect her. “I have been pretty calm during the pandemic. Again, focusing on solutions and knowing that the Universe has my back helps me to quickly release any negative thoughts that may emerge.”

During the Rebirth Phase of the phoenix’s transformation, there are things happening internally that are unseen to the world around her. This is the same focus that we should also have during this time, focusing on balancing our mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Using Law of Attraction to Create Your Peace

As a life coach, Tamara works with clients often to help them navigate through different problems, get unstuck, and create the reality that they want, through the law of attraction (LOA). When I asked her how we can all achieve this same level of peace and intention during the pandemic, this was what she had to say:

The LOA is a Universal Law that is all about matching and reflecting the energy (frequency) one focuses on. According to Psychology Today, the law of attraction (LOA) is the belief that the universe creates and provides for you that which your thoughts are focused on, “that which like unto itself is drawn”.  It means that if one is focused on stress, fear…etc., LOA will reflect more of that. So, the goal during this pandemic is to focus on joy, happiness, fun…high vibrational emotions. How do we maintain a high vibration when this pandemic is causing so much chaos in the world?

We do it by finding joy in our environment and our day.

We meditate and focus on what it is we want (instead of what we don’t want).

We focus on the solutions instead of the problem.

We reach out and connect to high vibrational people.

We focus on positive thoughts and emotions.

We have complete KNOWING that the Universe (through the LOA) will handle the rest.

To do the above takes a lot of self-awareness of where we are on the emotional scale and laser focus on being as high up on that emotional scale as possible. I help people recognize and connect with the tools that are already within them to achieve this.

Find Clarity in Your Peace

One of the most important parts of the Rebirth Phase is realigning with your goals and values, to create a plan moving forward. Major shifts in life can also shift your values. At one point, being out and networking to meet as many potential clients as possible may be what you valued the most, but after this pandemic, moving your profitable business online to work in the safety of your home may be more valuable to you. If you are able to control your thoughts and emotions, you will find that you will have a more objective view as to what you want to do with your life and business moving forward.

We are still unsure about what the world and the economy will look like after this pandemic, so it’s in our best interest to be sure footed in our purpose and mission and flexible in our approach to getting there. Flexibility and adaptability will be key for our businesses to survive and thrive in the post-COVID19 pandemic world.

A Final Message from Tamara

When I asked Tamara what she thought would be different on the other side of this pandemic, she offered this:

“I believe we will emerge with a new understanding of how truly interconnected we are. We emerge with more gratitude for the little things in life, more love for our neighbor, and an evolved view of what is truly important in our lives. The earth is healing… and so is humanity.”